Monday, October 10, 2011

Soulspeak Travels Begin

My Dear Gorgeous Guatemalan Friend Ade 
invited me to her sweet arty loft in the City!

Over some water, candy corn, and excited chatter she tells me about this AmaZING fabric outlet and says, let's go...NOW! So we took off down the block and this place... this place :)  

Room after room after room...

Bins of Belt Buckles... sigh

this is JUST the entrance

a Giant bag of Shoulder Pads haha!

Rainbows of Ribbon


Pitter Patter :)

The Lord just D*aZ*ZL*ED *** my Eyes and Soul 
with His surprises that day. 
Right there was a glimpse of Ephesians 3:20-21 
 as i walked from room to room level to level laughing.
Then as if that wasn't enough when we left....
guess who we got to take a photo with:

They gave us cards with Mother Teresa's face on them as they said hopefully one of you will become a sister one day, 
Ade said we are already sisters in Christ :)

We finished off the day with an adventure to Thailand, 

with love and lots of veggies stirrin in the curry,

Soulspeak <><


  1. Im sorry but why do we both look like we got hit my a bus in that last picture? ha ha! Oh Mother Teresa

  2. haha yeah...we look a little different than we do in real life haha :)

  3. Sarah, I'm definitely going to check this place out! Hadn't heard about it yet - so thanks! :)
