Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pure Religion.

 Ribca Managala Varalaxmi

 T Ludiyamma

 Kumari Samson

 M Jayamma

 Sudha Ravindran

 Kusume Mary Samanthanam

 Ittadi Elizabeth

Mission of SOULSPEAK
To  connect artists with those in need.
Artists commit to give of their profits to support those in need.

To GLORIFY God through art and creativity.
To GIVE to others from what has been given to us.
To spread the Gospel internationally.

The Lord has arranged it so that Soulspeak has now partnered with Christ for India.
Check it out here: http://www.christforindia.in/

This year Christ for India launched the NAOMI FUND.
There are currently 7 Widows in need whom you see pictured above.
The organizations shares they have lost their husbands by martyrdom.


Contact SOULSPEAK via Facebook: Sarah Soulspeak
                                                        Email: yoursoulspeak@gmail.com

1. Ask Questions!!!
2. Request to receive a packet of information about Soulspeak and Christ for India.
3. Choose  from GIVING options:
    -choose a widow to sponsor (commit to 6 mos. or 1 year) -$30 per month or share with another artist- $15 per month. 
    -commit to a percentage which you will give of your profits for (6 mos. or 1 year)- @ least 10%, you can always increase, pray about it.
    - one time gift -any $ amt.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction... james 1:27

Living Alive,
Soulspeak <><

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to invite you to follow my blog. I'm your newest follower.
