Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pure Religion.

 Ribca Managala Varalaxmi

 T Ludiyamma

 Kumari Samson

 M Jayamma

 Sudha Ravindran

 Kusume Mary Samanthanam

 Ittadi Elizabeth

Mission of SOULSPEAK
To  connect artists with those in need.
Artists commit to give of their profits to support those in need.

To GLORIFY God through art and creativity.
To GIVE to others from what has been given to us.
To spread the Gospel internationally.

The Lord has arranged it so that Soulspeak has now partnered with Christ for India.
Check it out here: http://www.christforindia.in/

This year Christ for India launched the NAOMI FUND.
There are currently 7 Widows in need whom you see pictured above.
The organizations shares they have lost their husbands by martyrdom.


Contact SOULSPEAK via Facebook: Sarah Soulspeak
                                                        Email: yoursoulspeak@gmail.com

1. Ask Questions!!!
2. Request to receive a packet of information about Soulspeak and Christ for India.
3. Choose  from GIVING options:
    -choose a widow to sponsor (commit to 6 mos. or 1 year) -$30 per month or share with another artist- $15 per month. 
    -commit to a percentage which you will give of your profits for (6 mos. or 1 year)- @ least 10%, you can always increase, pray about it.
    - one time gift -any $ amt.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction... james 1:27

Living Alive,
Soulspeak <><

Monday, November 7, 2011

Beauty and Time.

He has made everything beautiful in its time
Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. -Ecclesiastes 3:11

How mysterious are you Lord, how Deep and Rich and Beautiful.

Right now for Soulspeak i see a lot of shapes and whisps, dreams hopes and ideas floating around me. Puzzle Pieces. you know the visual. Some of those pieces are meant for now and some are meant for later and some are meant for much later. 
I love God who is spontaneously sincere in His actions, His perfect timing. How does He manage that? It's a mystery. It's all so amazing how He inspires; to use what might be a strange word to you, impregnates ideas in us. Then we wait for their birth. We know they are coming and they will be beautiful and they will grow.


We had a nothing short of miraculous SOULSPEAK PHOTOSHOOT DAY about 3 weeks ago.
I had my amazing models: bethany, raychael, anna, jaylin. 
Hair and makeup done by: emily (who also modeled)
Photographer and Assistant: sabrina and tegan

Sabrina and Tegan

Me with my Beauty-FillEd Models!

We even got some Soulspeak Soles in the mix!

SO many ARTISTIC thanks to Sabrina Marie Photography! <3 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sabrina-Marie-Photography/155452247815439?ref=ts



Somewhere between sleep and coffee with friends, being found by Jesus Christ and scouring the words of the Bible for His voice, i have heard He is going to do abundantly beyond what i can ask or imagine and this truth is not only for me, it's for you! What's your soul saying? 

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.-Philippians 1:6

with love and belief,
Soulspeak <><

Monday, October 10, 2011

Soulspeak Travels Begin

My Dear Gorgeous Guatemalan Friend Ade 
invited me to her sweet arty loft in the City!

Over some water, candy corn, and excited chatter she tells me about this AmaZING fabric outlet and says, let's go...NOW! So we took off down the block and this place... this place :)  

Room after room after room...

Bins of Belt Buckles... sigh

this is JUST the entrance

a Giant bag of Shoulder Pads haha!

Rainbows of Ribbon


Pitter Patter :)

The Lord just D*aZ*ZL*ED *** my Eyes and Soul 
with His surprises that day. 
Right there was a glimpse of Ephesians 3:20-21 
 as i walked from room to room level to level laughing.
Then as if that wasn't enough when we left....
guess who we got to take a photo with:

They gave us cards with Mother Teresa's face on them as they said hopefully one of you will become a sister one day, 
Ade said we are already sisters in Christ :)

We finished off the day with an adventure to Thailand, 

with love and lots of veggies stirrin in the curry,

Soulspeak <><

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bread to the Eater

One of my earlier posts was called Cast your Bread. I find it so awesome that God has now brought me into the path of this scripture. God is so faithful to me through every season to send the Rain, send the Sun, prune Vines, cause Growth, and furnish me with the BREAD i need.  
He accomplishes this.

He is definitely blessing SOULSPEAK  which i'll highlight below with pics, but I also have to say that He is blessing my hungry Soul with His Bread by helping me see more of who He is. If you doubt that God will do what He says He will do or you may wonder if He thinks of you at all...
 Let Him speak to your SOUL here:

So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It WILL NOT return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11

Below is a little snapshot of a couple of the packages I've gotten to send out over the past weeks with SOULSPEAK goodies inside. 

One of may favorite photos used to advertise a 
SOULSPEAK Birdie feather extension.
GOD is the MASTER ARTIST. Check out the feather!

Here is a sneak peek of the SOULSPEAK Studio.

ENJOY some SOULSPEAK with God today <3 S.S.<><

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Plume Parties and other Birdies

Here are some highlights from a SOULSPEAK Plume Party!


PLUME PARTY: a party where you get feathers in your hair with your friends!
                                         -feathers last 3 weeks or longer
                                         - schedule yours today!

ALSO check out Soulspeak "BIRDIES"!

feather extension clip ins! 

here's a few samples!



Monday, August 1, 2011

The Creative Process Part 1

In college our professors talked about the Creative Process a lot. 
At that time i didn't really get what they meant. i feel like i got a nibble of it, but barely a bite
Now as i am experimenting with different media and pursuing excellence for you myself and for God in a business type arena i am getting a richer bite :)

Things i am learning:

1. I nearly never make something "perfect" the first time.

2. There's a crazy balance between working like a little Thomas Edison or Albert Einsten to INVENT and making sure you still eat, sleep, pray, and talk to people. haha i'm serious.

3. It's important to balance sPonTanEity with plannedness

A few ARTY bites for you to chew on :)
Lastly, i want to say:

I feel free when i make art because i feel like the "mistakes" i make aren't ever big and maybe are not mistakes at all. 

Let your Soulspeak!
<3 Sarah <><

Monday, July 25, 2011

Soulspeak LOVEBirds

I was honored to adorn the locks of Renee & Co. 
@ her wedding July 23. 2011.



Rachel and Baby Sarah


It was an AmAZiNg DAY seeing God fulfill for Tony and Renee 
what has been believed by faith.

One of my favorite pieces I've ever made <3

God is blowing my mind with His goodness <3

Now to Him who is ABLE to do far more abundantly beyond ALL we can ask or imagine, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations  forever and ever. Amen. 
Ephesians 3:20

your soul is speaking, 
Soulspeak <><